Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 5: Thing 12

I AM SO ON A ROLLYO! Ok, bad joke.

In keeping with my theme I created a quick rollyo about dogs. I didn't go into detail since these are just explorations. It seems like it's neat, but I really have no use for it. I much prefer google.

I made my search engine private private so it appears I can't link. I didn't really want people to try to use my engine and be disappointed since it wasn't really as into it as some other people seem to be.

I do think it is neat that I am just discovering these sites and other people obviously live for them.

I explored a engine called Mr. Fix It. I liked that because I can't fix anything! So that looked cool.

Week 5: Thing 11

Well, now I am feeling pretty good. I am on the hill slide down. It's a long way up but it's getting easier on the way down.

So I explored the Library Thing. My favorite part was when you chose a book, seeing how many other people chose that one also. I chose Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, so naturally there were a lot of people for that. But, I also chose 50 relatives worse then yours. (Been spending a lot of time with the in-laws) and only 8 people did that! I am totally amazed that any book I chose was there. It was cool.

Here is my catalog...Enjoy!

Week 5: Thing 10

Well, I created a meez last thing as I was exploring Merlin. But, I think in an effort to challenge myself I am going to make a new image.

I went with yahoo avatars. Since I already had a yahoo account I didn't have to create another account so yeehaa for that!

I feel silly because it took me like ten minutes to figure out how to export this thing. Then I saw the "Export" link. Geez! Anyway...this is likely to be the only time you will see me in a itsy, bitsy, tiny, weenie yellow poka-dot bikini!

Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland

Captins Log Week 4: thing 9

I was able to add Merlin as a newfeed to my Blogline account. Even with the Borgs coming at warpspeed and damaging the ships sheild.

I explored and made a meez. Here she is...

Week 4: Thing 8

Ok. So, I am still frustrated. This is not easy stuff, it is definitely out of "my box". Some of it is neat and some of it I don't like at all. So pardon my occasional out burst. But I am now back on track, sort of.

I did enjoy learning about RSS. Every morning I read several news sites, and it does take sometime to scroll through and read around the pictures and ads. I like having all of my information in one place. :)

I have added 10+ newsfeeds including my main staples, cnn, and msnbc. Pretty cool thing to do. Not ready to share, but I may come back to that. Right now I just want to keep on keepin on and see if I can continue while I have the urge.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 3: Thing 7

Creating a posting about technology that intrests me.

The iphone seems to be a hot topic recently. I find it amusing that after all the wait ant the amount of people that stood in line to get it that the price dropped. Or can you imagine paying for the cheaper model that is now discontinued? And on top of that the more expensive model is now the price you paid for the cheaper one? Geez!

I can't understand the facination people have with being the first ones to own a piece of technology. I am of the school where as neat as it may sound, wait and let them work the bugs out.

Here's to all you iphoners out there....

Week 3: Thing 6

I looked at the mashup sites. I didn't find it useful at all. I am not really sure how to get pictures on my blog. It was neat that you could make inspirational posters. That is about all I have to say.

Though I do have to vent and say that it seems the further I get into this the harder it is to understand. It seems to be set up for those who are already technology savy. The words and phrases they use are not for the common man! This weeks things just made me feel stupid.

I did write in a previous post about a sunset that I saw that was nice.